Areas include:
Algorithmic composition
Alternate Loudspeaker Construction and Design
Architectural acoustics
Artificial intelligence and Music
Aesthetics, Philosophy, Analysis, Appreciation, Criticism
Acoustics of Musical instruments and the Voice
Audio analysis/resynthesis
Audio coding and Audio compression
Audio hardware
Audio programming languages and software tools
Audio signal processing
Composition systems and techniques
Computational Neuroscience of Music
Computer music and Digital Art
Computer Music Performance Practice
Digital Audio Coding
Digital audio signal processing
Education on Music and Technology
Evolutionary Computer Music
Gestural and haptic interfaces for music
Granular synthesis
History of Electro-acoustic and Computer Music
Interactive performance systems
Loudspeaker and Microphone arrays
Machine recognition of Audio
Machine Recognition of Music
MIDI Applications
Music analysis
Music Data Structures and Representations
Music education
Music grammars
Music information retrieval
Music languages
Music notation and Printing
Music workstations
Musical informatics
Performance interfaces
Psychoacoustics, Perception, and Cognition
Real-Time systems
Room acoustics
Sound in Multimedia
Sound ciffusion and Spatialization
Sound synthesis languages
Sound synthesis Methods
Studio Reports
Studio Designs
Tuning and Intonation
Wireless Audio Systems
External link
- ICMA — International Computer Music Association